High Flying Supastars
The forum for the TWG fed of High Flyin Supastarz. Join and show your creative side
High Flying Supastars
The forum for the TWG fed of High Flyin Supastarz. Join and show your creative side
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High Flying Supastars

The forum for the roster of TWG'S High Flying Supastars
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 Welcome - Please Read

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Number of posts : 115
Reputation : 19
Registration date : 2008-10-02

Welcome - Please Read Empty
PostSubject: Welcome - Please Read   Welcome - Please Read I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 10:53 pm

Hi all and welcome to HFS. I hope to help you all and the fed to be the best. The following are rules to abide by when you are in the fed, so please follow them.

- recruiting other wrestlers via chat, PM or other stuff pointless if the wrestler is a free agent or not
- speaking about your contract
- using the name of HFS staff, or claiming you are HFS staff

Also here are roleplaying/segment rules

1. Post your Roleplay in the roleplaying area or send it to the GM.
2. Give the roleplay a title
3. Color each guy in your roleplay with a different color. (only when he talks) Keep actions in default colour.
4. Make a - in every freeline.

Thats it for the moment so any questions ask and I will hopefully make an FAQ section in the future.

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